Riviera del Brenta: Villa Valmarana

Villa Valmarana si trova di fronte a Villa Widmann, a Mira, a circa cinque chilometri dall’agriturismo Ca’ MarcelloIn realtà la villa non esiste più, ma rimangono le due barchesse, e una sola è visitabile.Ma andiamo con ordine. Una domenica di autunno mia figlia ed io decidiamo, di andare a visitare la barchessa di Villa Valmarana […]

(Italiano) Riviera del Brenta: Villa Badoer Fattoretto

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Two of the most beautiful villages (borghi) in Italy: Borghetto and Castellaro Lagusello

Borghetto and Castellaro Lagusello are just a few kilometers from Lake Garda, and are among the most beautiful towns (borghi) in Italy. Borghetto is well known and very popular, while Castellaro Lagusello is much quieter. Let’s go discover them one by one.  Borghetto sul Mincio Borghetto is an ancient mill village on the Mincio river. […]

Bassano del Grappa and the Brenta

Bassano del Grappa is a beautiful village to be visited without rush, walking among noble palaces often frescoed, arcades and squares. A little history of Bassano del Grappa Bassano stands as a rural center and was subject to Roman colonization (fundus Bassianus), it gradually acquired importance thanks to its strategic position at the entrance of […]

South lagoon of Venice: Pellestrina and Ca’ Roman

Pellestrina and Ca’ Roman via Chioggia The islands of Pellestrina and Ca’ Roman can be reached mainly from Chioggia in 15 minutes by vaporetto (the public water transport of Venice). Giove parking is, in our opinion, the most practical place to park. If you park on the terrace, you pay half the price. From there […]

Riviera del Brenta: Villa Tito

Villa Tito is one of the villas on the Brenta Riviera, recently made accessible thanks to VilleCard. It is one of the villas damaged by the tornado of July 2015 which hit a part of the Riviera del Brenta. Villa Tito has suffered damage in the garden. Visiting Villa Tito in Riviera del Brenta Villa […]

On the banks of the river Lèmene: Portogruaro and Concordia Sagittaria.

Portogruaro can be a pleasant surprise for the visitor. Located in the area on the north of Venice, between Venice and Trieste. It has always been a focal point for communication so as to attract the interest of the Republic of Venice as early as 1420. It is in this period that the city enjoys […]

Treviso: along the Sile by bicycle

From Casale sul Sile to Treviso by bicycle (or on foot) The towpaths (the road that runs along the river) of the Sile allow you to travel the river along almost its entire course, from the center of Treviso to the mouth of the river. The road can be traveled by bicycle (there are many […]

Cycling in Lio Piccolo, Venetian lagoon

If you love nature, Lio Piccolo is your place. Our advice is to do it by bike if you want to explore it. Lio Piccolo, Venetian lagoon With our car and bikes we have reached Treporti. You can park your car near the cimitery along Via Saccagnana, and start your cycle tour from there. Turn […]

News! Services for cyclists

Agriturismo Ca’ Marcello is the perfect place to stop sleeping for  cyclists. The location on the Brenta canal near Venice, makes it a great place to stay, after riding along the Riviera del Brenta and before departing for other itineraries. For cyclists we offer the following services 1. Bicycle in the garage: if desired, the […]