(Italiano) Venezia: passeggiata da Piazzale Roma alle Zattere

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Venezia: from Rialto to Fondamente Nove

Again we propose a small Venetian itineraries, within a two  hours walk and that can easily be joined together with the others we have already proposed. The advice we often give to our guests is not to be afraid of getting lost in Venice. Indeed, it is probably the most beautiful thing to do to […]

Venice: an itinerary towards Rialto

A short Venetian itinerary A short walk in Venice, from Piazzale Roma (arriving by bus) to the Rialto fish market. NB: the fish market is from Tuesday to Saturday in the mornings.  Arrival in  Venice For this itinerary we recommend arriving in Venice by bus to Piazzale Roma (or by train). From here we take […]

Venice: walking between the Ghetto and Ca’ d’Oro.

A morning in Venice We always  try to write about the beauties of our territory that goes beyond Venice. This does not mean that we do not like our beautiful lagoon city. We propose a walk to Cannaregio, outside the crowding of Strada Nova. Arriving in Venice Bus is the ideal way to reach Venice […]